Request Properties

Request Properties

Request properties are additional information about a request which aids in the automation of the request workflow. In this page, we will discuss the request properties in detail.


Created By

This refers to the user who has raised the request. Learn more about adding and managing contacts here.



This refers to the account of the contact who has raised the request. Contacts can raise a request in their respective accounts only.


Sub Account

This refers to the sub account of the contact who has raised the request. Click here to learn more about sub accounts.


Category, Subcategory, and Item

The Category, Subcategory, and Item of a request help in identifying the group/support rep to assign an incoming request. For example, a firewall request with Internet as category, Connectivity as subcategory, and Firewall Issues as the item can be easily assigned to the Internet support group.

You can also configure custom Category, Subcategory, and Item. Learn how to do this here.



Request statuses indicate the progress of a request. There are two types of statuses,

  • In Progress - Indicates the request is still in progress.

  • Completed - Indicates that the request is likely to be closed.

Apart from the default statuses, you can also configure new statuses to suit your organization workflow. Learn how to do this here.



Request level indicates the complexity of a request. The higher the level, the more complex it is. This helps to assign high level requests to experienced support reps.


There are four default levels namely Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4. You can rename the levels and add custom levels to suit your organization workflow. Learn how to do this here.



SupportCenter Plus enables users to raise a request in multiple modes. You can also add custom modes. Learn how to do this here.



Different requests need different priorities based on various factors such as impact, the contact who raised the request, and so on. SupportCenter Plus comes with four default priorities. You can also add a custom priority. Learn how to do this here.


Request Type

Request Type indicates the type of service that is required. The default request types are,

  • Incident Request - Where a contact faces a problem and requests to resolve it.

  • Request for Information - When a contact has a query/require specific information.


You can also configure custom request types. Learn how to do this here.


Service Level Agreement

Service Level Agreement is a commitment between the client and the service provider on resolving requests. You can also configure escalation rules to notify support reps when a request is unattended within a stipulated time. Learn more about this here.



Templates ease the work of creating multiple requests of the same type. Say for example, when a network issue is raised frequently, you can use a template to auto-populate fields with the same data. Learn more about templates here.


Created Date

This refers to the date and time on which the request is created. This entry plays a major role in the SLA compliance of a request.


Scheduled Start/End Date

The start and end time to resolve a request can be scheduled during request creation. However, this does not affect the SLA compliance.


Response Dueby Time

This refers to the time by which the response is to be sent to the contact. You can configure this time when creating an SLA.


Last Update Time

This refers to the time in which the request was last updated.


Request Tags

Tagging requests help in grouping various requests based on a specific criteria. You can perform global search on requests based on their tags. Learn more about request tagging here.

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