Upgrading and Installing Patches

Upgrading and Installing Patches

Warning: Upgrading the application or installing patches requires shutting down the server. 

We strongly recommend using a test environment to try upgrade patches, hotfixes, major releases, and beta service packs before applying them to the production environment. To learn more, click here

In Windows

    1.  Download the required patch or the latest version of the application from here.   
    2.  Shutdown SupportCenter Plus Server. To know more, click here.
    3.  Backup data. To know more, click here.
    4.  Open the command prompt and go to <SupportCenter_Plus_Home>\bin and execute the file UpdateManager.bat.
    5.  From the Update Manager tool, click Browse to select the downloaded file.
    6.  Click Install and follow the on-screen instructions to apply the Service Pack / Hotfix.
    7.  Once the upgrade is complete, start SupportCenter Plus Server.
When performing multiple upgrades, make sure to run the application after each successful upgrade. Data backup is essential for each upgrade.

In Linux

    1.  Download the required patch or the latest version of the application from here.
    2.  Shutdown SupportCenter Plus Server. To know more, click here.
    3.  Backup data. To know more, click here.
    4.  Open terminal and go to <SupportCenter_Plus_Home>/bin folder. and run UpdateManager.sh
    5.  From the Update Manager tool, click Browse to select the downloaded file.
    6.  Click Install and follow the on-screen instructions to apply the Service Pack / Hotfix.
    7.  Once the upgrade is complete, start SupportCenter Plus Server.
When performing multiple upgrades, make sure to run the application after each successful upgrade. Data backup is essential for each upgrade.  

To install a patch from the console or command line:


Easiest option:

Run the following and
 t will guide the user through the steps.

sh UpdateManager.sh -c 

Other options: 

  1. sh UpdateManager.sh -u <SupportCenter_Plus_Home>\conf -c -option i -ppmPath <Patch file path including patch file name> -h <SupportCenter_Plus_Home> 
  2. To un-install a patch: sh UpdateManager.sh -u <SupportCenter_Plus_Home>\conf -c -option u -h<SupportCenter_Plus_Home> -version <Patch version>
  3. To view installed patch versions: sh UpdateManager.sh -u <SupportCenter_Plus_Home>\conf -c -option v -h <SupportCenter_Plus_Home>

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