

SupportCenter Plus allows you to publish announcements company-wide or just to the support reps group. The announcement widget is available under the My View tab in the home page. Any support rep can add, edit, and delete announcements.



The recent announcements will be displayed in the box. To view all the announcements, click the Show All button.

To view an announcement, click the Announcement Title to open the complete announcement details in a pop-up. If there is more than one announcement, then you will notice a Previous and Next button in the pop-up. Using this you can navigate through the announcements list and view all the announcements without closing the pop-up window.

Add Announcements

To add an announcement,

  1. Click Add New in the announcement widget.

  2. In the New Announcement form, fill in the necessary details.




Provide an appropriate title for the announcement.


Add a description.

Date and Time Fields (From and To)

Choose the Start and End Dates/Times for the announcement.

Announcement Type

Select an announcement type. You can also custom create new announcement types. To know more, click here.


Select a priority value: High, Low, Medium, and Normal. You can also custom create priorities. To know more, click here.

Services Involved

Select an appropriate service category

Email Users

Add users to send an email notification.


Choose the preferred option:
Private (only for technicians) or Public (for all users).


  1. Finally, click Save.

Depending on the set accessibility, new announcements will be displayed for logged-in users as a pop-up message. Announcements can also be accessed from the announcement widget or from notifications.


View, edit, or delete announcements

You can perform various announcement-related actions directly from the announcements widget or from the announcement list view. To access the announcement list view, click Show All in the Announcements widget.

By default, all the announcements are shown in the announcement list view. You can use the filter dropdown on the top-left to show announcements. The available filtering options are Currently Showing, To be shown, and Already Shown.



  • To view the details of an announcement, click the preferred announcement on the widget or click the title in the announcement list view.


  • To edit an announcement, click Edit in the announcement details pop-up, make necessary changes and then click Update.

  • To delete an announcement, click Delete in the announcement details pop-up.

    Alternatively, you can edit or delete an announcement by clicking the appropriate icon against the announcement either in the widget or the list view.

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