Android App

Android App

SupportCenter Plus Android App

SupportCenter Plus is now available for quick access in your Android mobile devices. You can tackle your tickets while on the go.

The SupportCenter Plus Android App is intended to help you interact with the SupportCenter Plus application more quickly and efficiently. By using the app you can extend support to your customers anytime, anywhere. In short, you can have a bird's eye view of the complete details of your tickets in a single pane.

Once you have installed the Android app on your phone, you will be able to do the following:

  1. Add Requests
  2. Edit Requests
  3. Assign requests to Support Reps
  4. Reply to contacts
  5. Add resolutions
  6. Add Time Entry
  7. Close completed requests


  • Access your tickets from any location.

  • Be available for your end-users anytime.

  • Allow your end-users to quickly log in tickets from their mobile app.

  • Make live conversations with your end-users.

  • Respond to the end-user queries from within the ticket.

  • Create, edit, pick up, assign, and resolve tickets in a quick manner.

  • Notify Support Reps of request and task assignments, replies from end-users, and request approvals, etc, on the go.

  • Create custom views and save them for later use.

  • Keep track of your response and resolution SLAs with the SLA status flags.

  • Converse with the end-users through emails from within the mobile app.

  • Keep track of all tasks associated with tickets and track progress from your device.


This document walks you through the following topics:

      Add Request
            VI 1 Request Options
            VI 2 Attachments for a Request
            VI 3 Actions on Request 

I Downloading the SupportCenter Plus Android App 

Download the SupportCenter Plus Android app from the Play Store of your Android phone. Search for the term 'SupportCenter Plus' and you will find the SupportCenter Plus Android app in the search results displayed. It is a free app and does not require any license to be purchased. Proceed installing the app on your Android phone.

II Logging into the SupportCenter Plus Android app

After installing the app, tap the SupportCenter Plus icon on your mobile phone to log into the application.

You can either Login using the Username and Password or use SAML Login.



II 1 Server Details Screen

Tap Login. The Server Details screen (shown in the below image), where you need to enter the Server Address for the SupportCenter Plus Android app. By default, the address is shown. You can change the URL if required. Tap Save.





II 2 About Page

Tap the icon to view the About page, where you can view few important information about the SupportCenter Plus application like, Version, URL to the website of SupportCenter Plus application, Contact number, etc.




  1. Please note that the Support Rep should be enabled with login permissions.

  1. If AD Authentication is enabled in SupportCenter Plus, then the support rep should login to the SupportCenter Plus Android app using his AD credentials.

III Configuring the SupportCenter Plus Android App Settings

1. Tap the  and select Settings.


2. You can configure the following:

  • View the login and general details about the app.

  • Select theme.

  • Configure privacy settings.

  • Clear cache.

  • Share application usage statistics and send crash reports.






IV Requests List View

1. The list view is a tabular, compact view that groups request data under various columns. By default, requests are displayed in the list view.


You can view requests by using the default filters.





2. The requests list view displays a maximum of 250 requests and each page displays a total of 100 requests.



 V  Add Request

From the requests list view, tap the  icon to add request. The Add Request form is displayed.


Fill out the required details and tap the tick icon on the bottom of the screen. The request is saved and displayed on the requests list view.


VI Viewing Request Details

From the Requests List View tap an individual request. The Request details screen is displayed. You can view the relevant details of the request such as, Request Title, Status, Contact Name, Support Rep, Contract Name, and Account Name, Due by Date, Priority and Description.



VI 1 Request Options

From the request details page, you can view the following options by tapping . Tap the respective option to view the relevant details.

1 - Properties

2 - Resolution

3 - Time Entry

4 - Conversations

5 - History

6 - Task


VI 1.1 Properties

More details about the request will be displayed as shown in the below screenshot. Tap the Edit  icon to modify the request details.


VI 1.2 Resolution:

Using the Resolution option, you can enter resolution for a request, view existing resolution, and edit them if required.


  • Resolutions cannot be created through resolution templates though the templates are configured in the server.

  • Resolutions cannot be searched from Solutions module.

 VI  1.2.1 Adding Resolution

  1. Tap the Resolution  icon. The All Resolutions List view is displayed listing all the resolutions added for the request. If no resolutions are added to the request, then a No Resolution message is displayed.

  1. Tap the + icon to add a resolution. The Add Resolution form is displayed.

  1. Enter the Resolution in the field provided.

  1. Tap the tick icon. A message appears stating that the resolution is saved successfully.


You can copy the existing solution to resolution. To copy an existing solution, switch to the Solution tab and select the required solution. The solution will be copied to the Resolution tab.



VI 1.2.2 Editing Resolution

  1. Tap the Resolution icon. The All Resolutions List view is displayed listing all the resolutions added for the request.

  1. Tap a resolution to edit it.


VI 1.3 Time Entry

Using the Time Entry option, you can record the total time spent on resolving a request. In SupportCenter Plus Android app, you can Add Time Entry, Edit Time Entry and Delete Time Entry.


 VI  1.3.1 Adding Time Entry for a Request

  1. Tap the Time Entries icon. The All Time Entry List view is displayed listing all the time entries added for the request. If no time entries are added to the request, then a No Time Entry message is displayed.



iii. Tap the + icon to add a time entry. The Add Time Entry form is displayed.




  1. Enter the Support Rep name who had resolved the request.

  1. Select the Time Entry Type.

  1. Choose the Start Time and End Time taken to complete the request.

  1. Enter the Time Taken to resolve (in hrs and mins) the request.

  1. Provide relevant information about the time spent in the Description field.

  1. Enter the Other Charges of the request.

  1. Tap the tick icon. The Time Entry is added to the All Time Entries List view.


VI 1.3.2 Viewing Time Entry of a request

  1. Tap the Time Entry icon. The All Time Entry List view is displayed listing all the time entry added for the request.

  1. The time entries are displayed along with the name of the Support Rep who had resolved the request and the Time taken to Execute the request.

  1. Select a time entry to view the details. The time entry details screen is displayed.



VI 1.3.3 Editing a Time Entry

  1. Tap the Time Entry icon. The All Time Entry List view is displayed listing all the time entries added for the request.

  1. The time entries are displayed along with the name of the Support Rep who had resolved the request and the Time taken to Execute the request.

  1. Select a time entry to view the details. The time entry details page is displayed.

  1. Tap the Edit icon. Modify the required details.

  1. All the fields in the form are editable. You can modify the Support Rep, edit the Time Taken To Resolve the request, edit the Other Charges, modify the Start Time and End Time and edit the Description of the Time Entry.

  1. Tap the tick icon. The details are saved and listed in the All Time Entry List view.


VI 1.3.4 Deleting a Time Entry

  1. Tap the Time Entry icon. The All Time Entry List view is displayed listing all the time entries added for the request.

  1. The All Time Entry List view is displayed listing all the available time entries of the request.

  1. Tap the Delete icon. The Time Entry is deleted from the All Time Entry List view.


VI 1.4 Conversations:

The notes added and the email conversations happening between a support rep, handling the request, and a contact are listed as conversations. At times, support reps can converse with other support reps regarding the request and those conversations also get listed under the Conversations block.




Use the filter icon on the top-left of the screen to filter the notes and email conversations.



Tap on a note to edit or delete it.


VI 1.5 History

To view the request history tap History .




VI 1.6 Tasks  

Certain requests might involve multiple support reps work. In that case, the request can be divided into several tasks and each task can be assigned to a Support Rep/Group.


VI 1.6.1 Adding Tasks for a request


i. Tap the Tasks icon. The All Tasks List view is displayed listing all the tasks added for the request. If no tasks are added to the request, then a No Tasks message is displayed.



ii. Tap the  icon to add a task. The Add Task form is displayed.



    1. Enter a Title for the task.

    1. Choose the Priority and Status of the task.

    1. Choose the Task Type.

    1. Select the Percentage Completion of the task.

    1. Select the Group and Owner of the task

    1. Tap the tick icon. The task is added to the All Tasks List view.


VI 1.6.2 Viewing Tasks of a Request

  1. Tap the Tasks icon. The All Tasks List view is displayed listing all the tasks added for the request.

  1. Select a task to view the details. The Task details screen is displayed. 


VI 1.6.3 Deleting a Task

  1. Tap the Delete icon (shown in the above image).

  1. The task is deleted from the All Tasks List view.


VI 1.6.4 Time Entry for Task

  1. Tap the Time Entry icon (shown in the above image).

  1. Follow the similar steps as in Request to add, view, edit and delete time entries.   

VI 1.6.5 Attachments for a Task


Attachments are files or images that can be appended to tasks. You can attach multiple files to a task.

To add an attachment to a task do the following:

    1. Tap the Attachments icon (shown in the above image).

    1. The Attachments page is displayed that lists the existing attachments. A 'No Attachments' message is shown in case of NIL attachments.

    1. Tap the + icon to add an attachment. You can either take a photo or choose from the existing images in your phone.


  •   To add the attachments you need to first give access to the app, to your camera and photos.

  •   You can add attachments of size maximum upto 10 MB.


VI 1.6.6 Editing a Task

  1. Tap the Edit Task icon (shown in the above image).

  1. Modify the required details of the task.

  1. Tap the tick icon. The details are saved and listed in the All Tasks List view.  


VI 2 Attachments for a Request  

Attachments are files or images that can be appended to requests. You can attach multiple files to a request.

To add an attachment to a request do the following:

  1. From the Requests List View tap an individual request to view the relevant details of the request. From the resulting screen, tap the icon.

  1. The Attachments screen is displayed that lists the existing attachments. A 'No Attachments' message is shown in case of NIL attachments.

  1. Tap the icon to add an attachment. You can either take a photo or choose from the existing images or files in your phone.



  •   To add the attachments you need to give access to the app first, to your camera and photos.

  •   You can add attachments of size maximum up to 10 MB.

VI 3 Actions on Request  

Tap the icons on the bottom of the screen to perform the following actions on requests.



Tap More Options  on the bottom of the screen to pickup, close, sign off, or delete a request.


  • Pickup - Tap Pickup to self-pickup the request.

  •  Close  - When a contact is satisfied with the support provided and the reported problem has been resolved, the request can be moved to closed status. To close a request:

  1. Tap Close.

  1. Enter Comments.

  1. If the contact has acknowledged the resolution, enable the checkbox. Tap the tick icon on the top.




Note: In SupportCenter Plus Server:

     If you have enabled user’s acknowledgement in SupportCenter Plus server, then the Close Request screen is displayed.

     If you have selected the mandatory fields to be filled while closing the request in Request Closing Rules, then enter the mandatory fields and close the request. Else an error message appears and the request cannot be closed unless the field value is entered.

If you have enabled the option "Yes, prompt a message" to confirm a user’s acknowledgement in Request Closing Rule, then a Close Request page appears.

  • Sign off - Sign off is an acknowledgement provided by a contact to close the request. To sign off,

  1. Tap Sign off.

  1. Add your comments and signature.

  1. Tap the Tick icon on the top.





  • Delete - Tap Delete > Delete Request.  The request is deleted from the list.


Assign Support Rep

You can assign Support Reps to requests:

  1. Tap Assign  icon. The Support Rep Groups are listed.

  1. A support rep group that lists all the support reps associated with that group.

  1. Choose the Support Rep you want to assign the request. Tap the tick icon at the top.

A message appears stating the request is successfully assigned to the selected support rep.



You can reply to Contacts. To reply:

  1. Tap the Reply  icon.

  1. Enter the To address of the contact.

  1. If you want to send the same information to multiple persons then enter the relevant e-mail addresses in the CC field with commas as a separator.

  1. The Subject is pre-populated. You can edit the subject if required.

  1. Enter a Description.

  1. Tap at the bottom of the screen.


 Edit Request

You can edit all the available details of the request. To edit a request:

  1. Tap on the bottom of the screen.

  1. Edit the request fields in the form and tap the tick icon at the top to save the changes.



Use the Notes option to add additional information, including technical information, to a request.


   Adding Notes

  • Tap the Notes  icon on the bottom of the screen.

  • Add notes.

  • Enable the Mail to technician checkbox if required.

  • Tap the tick icon.


Notes added are listed under Conversations.


VII Tasks List View

1. The Tasks List view displays the different categories of tasks that includes My Open Tasks, My Overdue Tasks, My All Tasks, Unassigned Pending Tasks, etc.

2. Tap the icon from the requests list view and tap Tasks.



3. The Tasks List View displays the My Open Tasks, by default. There are also other views, such as My Overdue Tasks, My All Tasks, Pending Tasks, etc.

4. Tap the required task to view the relevant details.

5. You can add, edit and delete tasks.

VIII Logging out of the SupportCenter Plus Android App  

To logout of the SupportCenter Plus Android app, do the following:

  1. Go to Menu > Settings.

  1. Tap Logout and confirm your action. 



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