View contact requests

View contact requests

There are two methods to view all requests raised by a contact.


Method 1: 

    1. To view all requests raised by a contact, click Request tab and click the search button in the Request List View.

    2. In the contact name search box, enter the contact name of your choice. The list view gets filtered accordingly. 

Method 2: 

    1. Navigate to Contact Details Page by selecting the contact Name of your choice from the Contact List View.

    2. Now, click View Requests button which leads to Request List View filtered by the Contact Name.

  1. You can access Contact List View either from Contacts module or from Contacts tab in Accounts Details Page/Sub-Account Details Page.
  2. To access account-specific Contact List View, go to Accounts tab and select an account of your choice and then click Contacts tab in the Account Details Page.
  3. To access the sub-account specific Contact List View, go to Accounts tab and select an account of your choice. In the Account Details Page, select the sub-account of your choice from the Sub-Accounts section. Finally, select Contacts tab in the Sub-account Details Page.

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