Time Entries

Time Entries

Time entries are records of time spent by the support rep on a request. You can manually add time entries to a request from the request details page.


To add a time entry, go to the Time Entry tab in the request details page and click Add New. Fill out the displayed form using the following pointers:






Choose the support rep handling the request.

Start/End Time

Provide the date and time between which the owner worked on the request.

Time Taken to Resolve

Auto-populated based on the start time and end time.

Include non-operational hours

Select if you want to include non-operational hours in the time taken to resolve.

Owner's Cost per hour

Auto-populated based on the cost per hour configured for the support rep. 

Support Rep Charge

Auto-populated. This is calculated by multiplying the support rep's cost per hour with the time taken to resolve.

Other Charge

Enter additional charges, if any. For example, purchase of new hardware.

Total Charge

The sum of the Support Rep Charge and Other Charges will be auto populated in this field.

Time Entry Type

Select the mode of work done by the support rep such as Product Consultation, Service and maintenance, etc.

You can configure additional Time Entry types under Admin>>Helpdesk Customizer>>Time Entry Type.


Add any other information regarding the time entry in this field.

Is Billable?

Choose whether the Time Entry is billable or not using the radio buttons.

Consider Time entry addition as first response

When enabled, the date/time at which the Time Entry is added will be recorded as the first response time of the request.

This option will be displayed only if the support rep has not yet responded to the request.


To edit a time entry, click the required time entry. Make the required modifications and click Update Time Entry.


To delete a time entry, click the checkbox beside the required time entry in the list view and click .


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