Support Reps

Support Reps

Support reps can be added and managed by the administrator. 


Adding a Support Rep

To add a support rep: 

    1. Go to Admin>>Users>>Support Reps (for portal-specific support reps) or go to Global settings>>User Management>>Users (for all support reps across portals).

    2. Click Add New to go to the relevant form.

    3. Now, provide required details such as name, display name, login details etc. 

Field Name


Name fields

Enter first name, middle name, last name.

Display Name

Provide a unique display name. This is a mandatory field.

Employee ID

Provide an employee id.

Job Title

Provide a job title.


To add a phone number.


To add a mobile number.


Add a relevant description.

Primary Email

Add primary email id.

Secondary Email IDs

Add secondary email ids if applicable.

SMS Email ID

To add SMS email. Provided by mobile service providers.

Cost per hour

Enter cost details of the services of the support rep

Associated Groups

To add support rep to one or more Support Groups.

Checkbox: Allowed to view Cost per hour

Check this box to allow the support rep to view the cost details of other support reps.

Checkbox: Enable login for this support rep

Check this box to create login credentials for the support rep.

Login Name

Provide a unique login name.


Enter a password

Retype Password

Retype the password to confirm.


Select domain if applicable

Assigned Roles

Assign role(s) to the support rep.

   4.     Finally, click Save.


Importing Support Reps

You can also add support reps in bulk by importing from CSV or Active Directory.


To import from CSV: 

    1. Go to Global Settings>>User Management>>Support Reps.

    2. Click the down-arrow beside the New button and select Import from CSV.

    3. In the import wizard, select the file and click Submit.

    4. Now, map the field names with the column names in CSV and click Import. 

To import from Active Directory: 

    1. Go to Global Settings>>User Management>>Active Directory.
    2. Click Import Users.
    3. In the pop-up that appears, provide details such as Domain Name, Domain Controller, Login Name, Password, and select the required fields to be imported.
    4. Finally, click Import. 

Schedule AD Import of Support Reps

To schedule Active Directory import of support reps,
  1. Go to Admin >> Users >> Active Directory. If you have configured multiple portals, go to Global Settings >> User Management >> Active Directory.
  2. Under Import Schedule, enable the Schedule AD import once in every checkbox and enter the schedule details as shown in the screenshot below:

    1. Enter a schedule frequency in days. The Support rep details will be automatically imported during the specified timeline.

    2. Select a date from which the scheduled import must begin.

    3. Choose a time to perform the import using the drop-down and click Save.

Importing Support Rep from another Portal

You can import support reps from other portals.


To import go to the destination portal: 

    1. Click Admin>>Users>>Support Reps.

    2. Now, click Import Support Reps button.

    3. In the pop-up window that appears lists all support reps across portals, select one or more support reps you want to import and click Add to List.

View, edit, or delete support Reps 


All support reps are listed under the support reps configuration page. To access it, go to Admin>>Users>>Support Reps (for portal-specific support reps) or go to Global settings>>User Management>>Users (for all support reps across portals). 

  • To view details of a support rep, click the support rep name to go to the support rep details page.

  • To edit, click the edit icon and make necessary changes. Finally, click Save

  • To delete, select one or more support rep(s) using the checkboxes and select Delete Support Rep(s).


To send a password reset link to a support rep,

  • Go to the support rep's details page.

  • Click the Actions menu on the details page and select Send Password Reset Link.



An email with the password link will be sent to the support rep. The link will be valid for 15 minutes.



Incase if the outgoing mail server is not configured, or if the support rep doesn't have a primary email ID, or if the support rep doesn't have a unique email ID, then the email will not be sent. In such cases, a popup with the password reset link will be displayed to the administrator, who can share the link with the support rep.

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