SMS Notification Settings

SMS Notification Settings

SupportCenter Plus can be configured to send SMS notifications to support reps. 

To configure SMS notifications: 

    1. Go to Admin>>Organization Details>> SMS Notification Settings (if only one portal is enabled) or go to Admin>>MAin Settings>> SMS Notification Settings (if multiple portals are enabled).

    2. Choose sending SMS through Mobile Service Provider or through SMS Gateway.

    3. If you choose Mobile Service Provider for SMS notifications, then obtain SMS email id for each support rep and add it to the support rep details.  

    4. If you choose SMS Gateway Provider, then select a provider from the list or choose a custom provider. Provide relevant gateway configuration details for the chosen provider.

    5. Finally, click Save.

 For multilingual support, also check the relevant checkbox to send characters in Unicode format. 

Gateway configuration details


1) For Site24x7, provide the following details. 


  • Client ID

  • Client Secret

  • Grant Token 

2) For Clickatell, provide the following details. 

  • Choose Central or Platform


  • Authtoken 

3) For BulkSMS, provide the following details. 

  • EAPI

  • Username

  • Password 

4) For custom SMS gateway, the following details are required. 


HTTP Method

Select a preferred method: POST or GET


Provide gateway URL. This is a mandatory field.

URL Parameters

Add one or more URL parameters in Key and Value pairs.

Request Headers

Add one or more request headers in Key and Value pairs.

Authentication Details

Select an authentication type: None or Basic Authentication. Provide username and Password for Basic Authentication

Request Payload

Add message. Available only when HTTP POST method is chosen. Variables supported.

Content Type

Select between json or encoding parameter URL. Available only when HTTP POST method is chosen.

Response from provider

Provide a response message.

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