Unavailable Report Columns

Unavailable Report Columns

Unavailable Report Columns in the new SupportCenter Plus (version 11 or later)


  1. Account Manager
  2. Account Manager Email
  3. Account Manager Mobile
  4. Account Manager Phone
  5. Topics Template
Archived Requests:
  1. Account Manager
  2. Archived By
  3. Archived On
  4. Completed By
  5. Resolved By
  6. Contact Job Title
  7. Contact Email
  8. Contact Mobile
  9. Contact Phone
  10. Description
  11. Resolution
  12. Response DueBy Time
  13. SLA
  14. Time spent for First Response
  15. Pending Status
  16. All Account Additional Fields
  17. All Contact Additional Fields
  18. All Request Additional Fields
  19. All Support Rep Additional Fields


  1. All Contact Additional Fields
  2. Home Phone
  3. SMS 


  1. Account Manager
  2. Account Manager Email
  3. Account Manager Mobile
  4. Account Manager Phone
  5. Created By
  6. Status
  7. Total Cost
  8. Hours Purchased
  9. Hours Remaining
  10. Hours Used
  11. Incidents Purchased
  12. Incidents Remaining
  13. Incidents Used
  1. Completed By
  2. Contact Job Title
  3. Contact Email
  4. Contact Mobile
  5. Contact Phone
  6. Time spent for First Response
  7. Resolved By
TimeSpent Requests:
  1. Account Manager
  2. Completed By
  3. Resolved By
  4. SLA
  5. FCR
  6. Time spent for First Response

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