SupportCenter Plus allows you to schedule and import accounts and contacts from CSV files. This feature is especially useful to import data periodically from other applications.
This requires admin access to the product database and installation folders.
Connect to the database. To know more, click here.
Enable Scheduled CSV import by executing the following query.
update Globalconfig set Paramvalue='true' where Category='CSVUserImportSchedule';
Obtain Portal IDs by executing the following query.
select * from helpdeskdetails;
If you want import portal-specific data, do the following. Else skip this and go to Step 5.
Create folders based on the Portal IDs under the home directory. Example: For Portal ID 301, create a folder with the same name under the home directory. The CSV files for the portal with ID 301 will be placed under <SupportCenter_Plus_Home>\301.
Define mapping in 'ScheduledCSVUserImportMapping.xml' file present under <SupportCenter_Plus_Home>\conf directory.
c. Map the user fields as required. The default mapping is as follows.
<USERFIELDMAPPING AppFieldName="firstName" CsvFieldName="firstName"/>
<USERFIELDMAPPING AppFieldName="lastName" CsvFieldName="lastName"/>
<USERFIELDMAPPING AppFieldName="emailId" CsvFieldName="emailId"/>
<USERFIELDMAPPING AppFieldName="phone" CsvFieldName="phone"/>
<USERFIELDMAPPING AppFieldName="mobile" CsvFieldName="mobile"/>
<USERFIELDMAPPING AppFieldName="account" CsvFieldName="account"/>
<USERFIELDMAPPING AppFieldName="login" CsvFieldName="login"/>
<USERFIELDMAPPING AppFieldName="password" CsvFieldName="password"/>
<USERFIELDMAPPING AppFieldName="portalId" CsvFieldName="portalId"/>
Schedule the time using the query given below. the highlighted data and time can be changed in the query. The data will be imported from csv files daily at the time mentioned in the query.
update task_input set schedule_time = '2020-09-15 14:23:00.000' where schedule_id in (select schedule_id from schedule where schedule_name ='CSVuserimportschedule');
Restart the application of the changes to take effect
Store the CSV files:
To import accounts and contacts irrespective of portals:
Place the CSV files in the home directory.
To import portal-specific accounts and contacts:
Place the CSV files in the respective directories as created in step.
You can download the sample CSV below.