

Support reps can be given different roles to configure access permissions. There are three default roles and you can also custom create a new role with custom permissions.


The default roles and their typical usage are listed as follows.



Typical Usage


Role given to the administrator. The administrator has access over all the modules in the application. The administrator alone has the privilege to access the Admin module which is the key to operate the application.


Role to access the entire Request module and perform actions such as, creating requests, editing, deleting and performing all actions over the requests. They will have the permission to access the 'Support Rep Availability Chart'.


This role, by default, provides the permission to create and schedule survey reports alone. This when combined with another role, allows the support rep to access reports based on the modules enabled in the other role.


To create a new role: 

    1. Go to Admin>>Users>>Roles.

    2. Click Add New Role to go to the relevant form.

    3. Now, provide necessary details and configure access permissions as required. 

Role Name

Provide a name. This is a mandatory field.


Provide a relevant description.

Permissions (Checkbox Matrix)

Select the relevant checkbox to provide various levels of permission to access different modules. You can provide complete access, view, edit, add, or delete permission for different modules namely Requests, Solutions, Products, Accounts, and Reports.

Advances Permissions

Use this to provide access to specific things within a module instead of the whole module. For example, you can give edit permission only to tasks and not requests.

Radio button: Allow support rep to view

Choose an option to define access to requests. You can choose All, All in group & Assigned to Support Rep, or Assigned to Support Rep.

Checkbox: Allow support rep to approve solution

Check this if the support reps with this role can approve solutions.

Checkbox: Support Rep allowed to View all Solutions

Check this to allow support reps to view all solutions.

Checkbox: Allow Support Rep to modify unknown contact

Check this if the support reps with this role can modify unknown contacts.

Checkbox: Allow Support Rep to view maps

Check this if the support reps with this role can view maps.


4.    Finally, click Save.

Typical Configuration Page

View, edit, or delete roles


All roles are listed under the roles configuration page. To access it, go to Admin>>Users>>Roles. 

  • Click  icon against the role to view all support reps who are assigned with the particular role.

  • To view or edit details, click the role name or edit icon. To edit, make necessary changes, and then click Save. 

  • To delete a role, click the delete icon against the role.

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