Request List View

Request List View

You can access the request list view by clicking Requests in the header pane. In the request list view, you can:

  • View requests using filters
  • Create custom filters for requests
  • View tasks and requests in the same window
  • View archived requests
  • Customize columns using the column chooser
  • Color-code rows based on various request properties
  • Sort requests by clicking the column name
  • Perform request operations such as close, edit, delete, merge, link, and print job sheet in bulk.
  • Export Requests
  • Spot edit Category, Subcategory, Item, and Priority.
  • Perform advance search by using Advanced Filter.
  • View Requests from Unknown Requesters 
  • Assign/Unassign support reps for requests by using the assign drop-down.


List Settings


You can customize the list view by configuring Records per page, Refresh Frequency, Display density, Column resizing, and Personalization under List Settings.

Filter Drop-Down Menu

The request list view contains several filters. You can view archived and trashed requests using their respective filters. You can also:


  • Manage existing filters by usingicon.

  • Favorite filters you use frequently by using icon.

  • Sort filters by using icon.


Task List View

Task List View displays all the help desk tasks. Tasks can be created, edited, or deleted from this page.
  1. Click View Tasks  to display the Task sidebar.
  • Click   to add new fields to the task view snippet.

  • Drag and drop the fields using to decide how they appear in the task snippet.

  • Click Task ID to sort the tasks based on the field.

  • Sort the tasks in ascending or descending order by using .


Request List View Icons

The various icons found in the request list view are explained below:
  • - Indicates that the support rep has sent the reply.

  • - Indicates that the contact has replied.

  • - Indicates the number of replies from the contact with respect to the support rep's last response.

  • - Indicates 70% completion of the request SLA. Hovering over the flag displays the remaining time excluding non-business hours.

  • - Indicates SLA breach. Hovering over the flag displays the delayed time.


Color Coding Requests

In the request list view page, you can color-code requests based on Category, Group, Priority, or Status, by using Color Settings. Color-coding enables support reps to quickly identify specific requests such as pending requests and high priority requests.


To configure Color Settings, click icon displayed in the menu bar of request list view page.



Fill out the displayed fields as explained in the following table:


Field Name  


Background Color

Choose a background color for all requests in the list view page.

Row color based on

Choose the field based on which you want to color-code requests. The options available are Category, Group, Priority, and Status.

Select value/s for the field and choose their color from the color picker.

Use Add New to add more field values and associate colors.

Applies to

Select the request columns that must be colored. (Fig. 1)

You can also choose All Columns. (Fig. 2)

Default Color

Pick a color for requests that do not fall under the specified criteria.



You can preview the color-coded requests instantly on the right side of the configuration space. After configuring Color Settings, click Save.


The color settings will be reflected on the request list view page as given below:



Exporting Requests

To export requests,
  • Click ActionsImport Requests in the request list view page.

  • Choose the format to export and click Export.


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