SupportCenter Plus enables users to generate query reports to fetch information from the database. To create a query report,
Go Reports. This opens the All Reports page.
Click New Query Report. This opens the Query Editor page.
Select the Table Schema from the combo box say, requests, timespent and so on. Click to view the table schema for the selected option.
Specify the Report Title. This is a mandatory field.
Specify the query to be executed for getting reports in the Query field. This is a mandatory field.
The logs will display all error messages on providing any wrong query.
Click Run Report to run query report.
Date Formulae: DATE_FORMAT (FROM_UNIXTIME (COLUMN_NAME/1000),'%d-%m-%Y %k: %i') 'Column Alias'.
Minutes Formulae: ROUND ((((COLUMN_NAME/1000)/60)) % 60) 'Minutes'.
Hours Formulae: ROUND (((COLUMN_NAME/1000)/3600)) 'Hours'.
Compare Date: COLUMN_NAME >= (UNIX_TIMESTAMP (DATE ('2006-07-24 00:00:00')) * 1000).
Convert Memory in GB: ((((MEMORY_COLUMN)/1024)/1024)/1024)
Default Value For Null Data: COALESCE (COLUMN_NAME, 'Unassigned')
Group by: Query statement will be ends with order by <column_index>
Additional Field tables
Request Additional Fields - WorkOrder_Fields
Contact Additional Fields - Contact_Fields
Support Rep Additional Fields - Support_Rep_Fields