Pre-defined Reports

Pre-defined Reports

SupportCenter Plus provides you with pre-defined reports that can be classified as Accounts, Request, and Request Timespent reports. Support Reps with administrator privilege and complete access permission over Reports module can edit these pre-defined reports to suit their needs.

Helpdesk Reports

Reports on Task 

Analyze data related to the tasks in tabular reports. You can view the following task reports:

  • Task reports by status

  • Task reports by priority

  • Task reports by support rep

  • Task reports by module

  • Task reports by group

  • Task reports by task type

  • Task reports on time spent


Reports on worklog

Analyze data related to the worklog based on support reps, worklog type, and modules.

  1. Worklog reports by support rep and Worklog reports by worklogtype are displayed as tabular reports.
  2. Worklog reports by module is generated using a query.


Chat Reports

Chat reports list reports based on chats between support reps and end users. You can view these reports by:

  • Chats initiated by contact

  • Chats answered by a support rep

  • Unanswered chats

  • Completed chats

In each report, you can obtain the total count of chats for each criteria. The Completed chats report gives comprehensive details such as chat ID, contact, support rep, chat start time, chat completed time, request ID, and the time taken to complete the chat.


Reports by All Releases

View metrics from release requests in the following reports:

  • Releases Overdue

  • Releases delivered on time by Item

  • Release approval details

  • Associated Change Details

  • Associated Project Details


Reports by Site, Support Group, and Technician

These reports outline data related to associations between sites, support groups, and support reps in the following query reports:

  • Support group with associated support reps and sites 

  • Support rep and associated groups

  • Support rep and associated sites

  • Site and associated support reps

  • Site and associated users


Login Reports

These are reports based on the login activity of the users that provide information such as Last Login Time, Last Logout Time, IP Address, Domain, Email, or Department.

The available default reports are:

  • Support groups with associated support reps, login names, and last login time

  • Support reps who haven't logged in for the last 30 days

  • Last login and logout time of support reps

  • Number of logins of support reps in the current month

  • Login hours of support reps in the current month

  • Users last login and logout time

  • Users currently logged in the application


Reports by SLA

This report presents request data aimed around SLA time. You can view the requests sorted by created time, due by time, resolved time, completed time, overdue status, elapsed time, and SLA resolution time. SLA reports help organizations track request SLA violations and measure the performance of their help desk teams.


Reports on Request Time Analysis

These reports can be grouped into two categories: Assessment reports and Time spent reports.

Assessment reports - These reports assess the status, support rep, and group of a request based on parameters such as status/support rep/group change, status change comments, time spent, and the support rep who updated the status. These reports give an overview of the updates in a request and help identify the root cause in case of SLA violation.

You can also obtain reports based on parameters such as sum/average time spent on status, support rep, and group. Alternatively, you can generate custom reports by specifying criteria for both changed from and changed to columns.

Time spent reports - These reports present the time spent by a request in each status and the time spent by various technicians and groups on a request in a visual graph.


Requests on OLA

Request OLA reports determine the OLA metrics in requests, largely in relation to the associated SLA. You can view these reports by:

Requests, group, and priority.

Requests where SLA is violated and OLA is not or vice-versa.

Requests where both SLA and OLA are violated.

You can also view data regarding the groups that have complied with the applied OLA.


Reports on Incident Requests

These reports consist of all the open, closed, and SLA violated Incident Requests based on parameters such as category, priority, request date, due date, support rep, and group.


Reports on Service Requests

These reports consist of all the open, closed, and SLA violated Service Requests based on parameters such as category, priority, request date, due date, support rep, and group.


Account Reports

These reports consists of account related reports based on account city and account country.


Reports by All Requests

These reports provide you with a graphical view of all open and closed requests by category, group, created date, department, due date, level, priority, status, support rep, status by category, status by level, status by priority, status by a support rep.


Reports by Completed Requests

These reports show the distribution of completed and closed requests. Similar to Report by all request, these reports are also generated based on various parameters such as category, group, due date, level, mode, priority and request date.  


Reports by SLA Violated requests

These reports display the distribution of the requests that have violated the SLA that was applicable to them. You can view these violations based on the request category, group, support rep who handled the request and so on.


Reports by Pending Requests

This shows the distribution of all pending requests for a specific period of time, based on different parameters, such as priority, support rep, category, due date, request date and so on.


Request Summary Reports

These reports provide you with a high-level view of the requests received and closed during a particular period, date-wise. The summary reports available are the received request summary reports by date, closed request summary reports by date, and reopened request summary reports by date. These reports are generated on the parameters of request received or closed by support reps; request received or closed in a specific category, priority, level, and mode; and request reopened by category and support rep.


Request Timespent Reports

These reports provide information on the support rep's time spent on requests and the cost per support rep based on the time spent. You can group the report information based on category, contact, and support rep attending to the request. The time spent report by contact gives you an idea on the cost per contact and the number of requests.

Survey Reports

These reports provide you with the summary details on the survey results based on various parameters such as category, level, mode, priority, contact, and support rep. All these reports help in measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of the support team and take respective corrective actions. 

By default, the reports will be created for the current week. You can choose any custom period of your choice or choose to create reports for last week, or this month, or for just this day. All these reports can be used for analysis purposes. For example, the reports mapped against the parameter support rep can be used to measure the support rep's responsiveness and load handling capability.

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