Tracking Requests

Tracking Requests

You can track the progress of all your requests under the Requests tab.


Request List View

The request list view gives an overview of all the requests along with their properties and SLA violations at a single glance.



You can view requests based on a particular criteria using the following filters available in SupportCenter Plus.


  • My Open Requests

  • My Requests on Hold

  • My Overdue Requests

  • My Pending Requests

  • My Completed Requests

  • My Closed Requests

  • All My Requests

  • Awaiting Approval

  • Missed chat Requests

  • Closed chat Requests


You can also customize the request list view information using the column selector option. Choose the columns to display and rearrange them with a simple drag and drop method.



 Request Details Page 

You can track individual requests from the request details page.

On this page, you can do the following:

  • Edit, reply, and print requests

  • Add attachments and notes

  • Close and reopen requests

  • View details, resolution, and history


 Edit, Reply, and Print Requests 

You can edit, reply, and print requests from the request details page.

To edit a request,

  1. Open the request details page.

  2. Click Edit from the request header.

  3. Modify the required fields and click Save.


To reply to a request,

  1. Open the request details page.

  2. Click Reply from the request header.

  3. In the displayed tab, enter the email IDs of users to notify under the Notify Users field.

  4. Click Add.


To print a request,

  1. Open the request details page.

  2. Click Actions >> Print Preview.

  3. Verify the print preview and click Print.


This section explains you the actions that take place while clicking Reply and Reply All from the floating header, the Description section, and the Conversation section in the requests details page.



Go to the Description section and click Reply, or click Reply > Reply from the floating header.

  • To field will be populated with the email address of the contact.

  • CC field will not be populated even if the request has a CC email address.

  • Email To Notify email address will not be populated in the CC field.


On clicking Conversation > Reply,

  • To field will be populated with sender email address of the conversation.

  • CC field will not be populated even if the request has a CC email address.

  • Email To Notify email will not be populated in the CC field.

Reply All:

Go to the Description section and click Reply All, or click Reply > Reply All from the floating header.

  • To field will be populated with the contact email address.

  • CC field will be populated with the email addresses in the To and CC fields of the description.

  • Email To Notify email address will be populated in the CC field.


On clicking Conversation > Reply All,

  • To field in the Reply All window will be populated with the sender email address of the conversation.

  • CC field in the Reply All window will be populated with the email addresses in the To and CC fields of the conversation.

  • Email To Notify email address will not be populated in CC field.




Add Notes and Attachments 

You can provide additional information to the request as notes. You can also email the note to the support rep by choosing the corresponding check box in the add note window.



Apart from notes, you can attach files from the request details page. Click Browse Files under the description and choose the required file.



  View Details, Tasks, Resolution, and History  

You can view the details, resolution, and history of the request by clicking the corresponding tab in the request details page.



If you have relevant permissions, you can also view the tasks related to the request under the Tasks tab.


The steps taken by the Support Rep to resolve the issue will be displayed under the resolution of the request.

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