Logging Requests

Logging Requests

You can raise requests in the following ways:

  • Home Page

  • New Request/Request Catalog

  • Requests Tab


Raise a Request on the Home Page

On the home page, search for the required request template and fill out the request form.


New Request

The New Request button will be available when there are no templates configured in the application. Click the option to access the default request form.


Request Catalog

This option will be available if custom request templates have been configured in the application. Click Request Catalog and choose the required template.


From the Requests Tab

Click Requests in the application header.

In the displayed page, click New. The default request template will be displayed. You can choose a different template from the drop-down on the top-right corner of the request form.


 Filling the Request Template 

On selecting a template, the corresponding request form will be displayed.



Fill out the request form using the following pointers:





Your name will be displayed. This is non-editable.


Your associated account will be auto-populated here. This is non-editable.


Indicate how urgent the issue is.


Select the appropriate category from the drop-down. This helps in quicker resolution by automatically assigning a technician, if the configuration is enabled.  


The subcategories of the selected category will be listed in the drop-down. Select the appropriate subcategory to ensure quicker resolution of the request.


The subcategories of the selected subcategory will be listed in the drop-down. Select the appropriate item to ensure a quicker resolution of the request.



Select the product for which the issue is raised.


Enter the subject of the request. This is a mandatory field.


Explain your request in detail. With the rich text editor, you can include pictures, links, and apply various formatting options to your description.


Attach files relevant to the request.


Click Submit Request. The request details page will be displayed where you can track the request conversations, request status, and add notes to the request.



You can also view the tasks associated with the request if you have relevant permissions.
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