Database Migration

Database Migration

Migration between Postgres and Microsoft SQL  

SupportCenter Plus comes bundled with Postgres. From build 14000, the database files generated from the scheduled backup are no longer cross-compatible. However, you can migrate between Postgres and Microsoft SQL using the method discussed below.

For Windows

Step 1: Taking backup
  1. Shut down ManageEngine SupportCenter Plus service before you perform a backup of your data.

  2. Click Start > Programs > ManageEngine SupportCenter Plus> Backup Data. [OR]

    From command prompt, go to <SupportCenter Plus>\bin directory and execute the backUpDataOld.bat as shown below,

C:\ManageEngine\SupportCenter Plus\bin\backUpDataOld.bat

  1. A backup of the data in the database and the file attachments that have been added in the application is created in <SupportCenter Plus>\backup directory. The backup file has to be a .data file.

A backup of the data in the database and the file attachments that have been added in the application is created in <SupportCenter Plus>\backup directory. The file name for the backup file will be in the pattern below.

                backup_databasename_[build number]


Step 2:  Restore

  1. Shut down ManageEngine SupportCenter Plus service before you restore the data.

  2. From the command prompt, go to <SupportCenter Plus>\bin directory.  

  3. Execute the file restoreData.bat as shown below:

C:\ManageEngine\SupportCenter Plus\bin\restoreData.bat --dbmigration

  1. The Restore Data dialog pops-up. Browse the backed up file and click OK.


For Linux

Step 1:  Taking a Backup

Follow the steps given below to take a backup of the ManageEngine SupportCenter Plus data:

  1. Shut down ManageEngine SupportCenter Plus service before you perform a backup of your data.

  2. Go to <SupportCenter Plus>/bin directory from the command prompt.

  3. Execute the file as given below:

$ sh

The backup file is created in the <SupportCenter Plus>/backup directory. The file name for the backup file will be of the pattern below.

backup_databasename_[build number]


Step 2: Restore

  1. Shut down ManageEngine SupportCenter Plus service before you restore the data.

  2. Go to <SupportCenter Plus>/bin directory from the command prompt.

  3. Execute the file as shown below:

$ sh --dbmigration

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