Custom Module API

Custom Module API

Custom Module API allows customers to add, edit, and delete records through REST API from scripts or external clients. The list of supported operations with the expected URL and input_data is given below.

For more details about the custom module refer to this link.

API Usage:  

Here we have taken an example of adding records to a custom module called book with plural name as books and fields such as

  1. Title

  2. Author

  3. Category - Pick list with 3 values

  4. Description









Get the list of records for a particular custom module

URL pattern: api/v3/<custom_module_api_plural_name>
GET - api/v3/cm_books


  "list_info": {

    "row_count": "10",

    "start_index": 1,



 "search_criteria": {

      "field": "cm_fields.sline_author",

      "value": "author",

      "condition": "contains",

      "logical_operator": "AND"


    "sort_field": "cm_fields.sline_author",

    "sort_order": "asc"




  "cm_books": [


      "created_time": {

        "display_value": "17/04/2023 04:26 PM",

 "value": "1681729003728"


      "cm_fields": {

        "sline_author": "test author",

        "pick_category": {

          "name": "Novel",

          "id": "3634"



      "description": "<div>test description</div>",

      "id": "301",

      "title": "test",

      "created_by": {

        "email_id": "",

        "phone": "987654321",

        "name": "Demo",

        "mobile": "987654321",

        "profile_pic": {

          "content-url": "/images/default-profile-pic2.svg"


        "is_vipuser": false,

        "id": "10",

        "department": {

          "site": null,

          "name": "Engineering",

          "id": 2





  "response_status": [


      "status_code": 2000,

      "status": "success"



  "list_info": {

    "has_more_rows": false,

    "start_index": 1,

    "sort_field": "cm_fields.sline_author",

    "total_count": 1,

    "sort_order": "asc",

    "search_criteria": {

      "condition": "contains",

      "field": "cm_fields.sline_author",

      "logical_operator": "AND",

      "value": "auth"


    "get_total_count": "true",

    "row_count": 1


Get a single record

URL pattern: api/v3/<custom_module_api_plural_name>/<id>
GET - api/v3/cm_books/3


  "response_status": {

"status_code": 2000,

    "status": "success"


  "cm_book": {

    "created_time": {

      "display_value": "17/04/2023 04:26 PM",

      "value": "1681729003728"


    "cm_fields": {

      "sline_author": "test author",

      "pick_category": {

        "name": "Novel",

        "id": "3634"



    "attachments": [],

    "description": "<div>test description</div>",

    "id": "301",

    "title": "test",

    "created_by": {

      "email_id": "",

      "phone": "987654321",

      "name": "Demo",

      "mobile": "987654321",

      "profile_pic": {

        "content-url": "/images/default-profile-pic2.svg"


      "is_vipuser": false,

      "id": "10",

      "department": {

        "site": null,

        "name": "Engineering",

        "id": 2





Add a record


URL pattern: api/v3/<custom_module_api_plural_name>
POST - api/v3/cm_books


  "cm_book": {

    "title": "Harry Potter",

    "description": "<div>description about harry potter</div>",

    "attachments": [],

    "cm_fields": {

      "sline_author": "J.K Rowling",

      "pick_category": {

        "id": "3636",

        "name": "Fantasy"






  "response_status": {

    "status_code": 2000,

    "status": "success"


  "cm_book": {

    "created_time": {

      "display_value": "17/04/2023 07:20 PM",

      "value": "1681739443587"


    "cm_fields": {

      "sline_author": "J.K Rowling",

      "pick_category": {

        "name": "Fantasy",

        "id": "3636"



 "attachments": [],

    "description": "<div>description about harry potter</div>",

    "id": "302",

    "title": "Harry Potter",

    "created_by": {

      "email_id": "",

      "phone": "987654321",

      "name": "Demo",

      "mobile": "987654321",

      "profile_pic": {

        "content-url": "/images/default-profile-pic2.svg"


      "is_vipuser": false,

      "id": "10",

      "department": {

        "site": null,

        "name": "Engineering",

        "id": 2





Edit a record


URL pattern: api/v3/<custom_module_api_plural_name>/<id>
PUT - api/v3/cm_books/301


  "cm_book": {

    "title": "test1",

    "cm_fields": {

 "pick_category": {

        "id": "3635",

        "name": "Classics"






  "response_status": {

    "status_code": 2000,

    "status": "success"


  "cm_book": {

    "created_time": {

      "display_value": "17/04/2023 04:26 PM",

      "value": "1681729003728"


    "cm_fields": {

      "sline_author": "test author",

      "pick_category": {

        "name": "Classics",

        "id": "3635"



    "attachments": [],

    "description": "<div>test description</div>",

    "id": "301",

    "title": "test1",

    "created_by": {

      "email_id": "",

      "phone": "987654321",

      "name": "Demo",

      "mobile": "987654321",

      "profile_pic": {

        "content-url": "/images/default-profile-pic2.svg"


      "is_vipuser": false,

  "id": "10",

      "department": {

        "site": null,

        "name": "Engineering",

        "id": 2





Allowed values of selectable pick list and multi select values


URL pattern: api/v3/<custom_module_api_plural_name>/cm_fields/<field_name>

Note: In upcoming releases, "cm_fields" which is called 
holder, will be removed from this URL


  "response_status": {

    "status_code": 2000,

    "status": "success"


  "pick_category": [


      "name": "Novel",

      "id": "3634"



      "name": "Classics",

      "id": "3635"



      "name": "Fantasy",

      "id": "3636"



 "name": "Humor and satire.",

      "id": "3637"



  "list_info": {

    "has_more_rows": false,

    "start_index": 1,

    "sort_order": "asc",

    "row_count": 4



Move to trash


URL pattern: api/v3/<custom_module_api_plural_name>/<id>/_move_to_trash


  "response_status": {

    "status_code": 2000,

    "status": "success"


  "cm_book": {

    "created_time": {

      "display_value": "17/04/2023 04:26 PM",

      "value": "1681729003728"


    "cm_fields": {

      "sline_author": "test author",

      "pick_category": {

        "name": "Classics",

        "id": "3635"



"attachments": [],

    "description": "<div>test description</div>",

    "id": "301",

    "title": "test1",

    "created_by": {

      "email_id": "",

      "phone": "987654321",

      "name": "Demo",

      "mobile": "987654321",

      "profile_pic": {

        "content-url": "/images/default-profile-pic2.svg"


      "is_vipuser": false,

      "id": "10",

      "department": {

        "site": null,

        "name": "Engineering",

        "id": 2




Get trashed records

URL pattern: api/v3/<custom_module_api_plural_name>
GET - api/v3/cm_books


  "list_info": {

    "start_index": 1,

    "row_count": "10",

 "sort_field": "cm_fields.sline_author",

    "sort_order": "asc",

    "filter_by": {

      "name": "trash"


    "get_total_count": true




  "cm_books": [


      "created_time": {

 "display_value": "17/04/2023 04:26 PM",

        "value": "1681729003728"


      "cm_fields": {

        "sline_author": "test author",

        "pick_category": {

          "name": "Classics",

          "id": "3635"



      "description": "<div>test description</div>",

      "id": "301",

      "title": "test1",

      "created_by": {

        "email_id": "",

        "phone": "987654321",

        "name": "Demo",

        "mobile": "987654321",

        "profile_pic": {

          "content-url": "/images/default-profile-pic2.svg"


        "is_vipuser": false,

        "id": "10",

        "department": {

          "site": null,

 "name": "Engineering",

          "id": 2





  "response_status": [


      "status_code": 2000,

      "status": "success"



  "list_info": {

    "has_more_rows": false,

    "start_index": 1,

    "sort_field": "cm_fields.sline_author",

    "total_count": 1,

    "filter_by": {

      "name": "trash"


    "sort_order": "asc",

    "get_total_count": "true",

    "row_count": 1


Delete a record

URL pattern: api/v3/<custom_module_api_plural_name> /<id>
Delete - api/v3/cm_books/301


Restore trashed record


URL pattern: api/v3/<custom_module_api_plural_name> /<id>/_restore_from_trash
PUT - api/v3/cm_books/301/_restore_from_trash


  "response_status": {

    "status_code": 2000,

    "status": "success"


  "cm_book": {

    "created_time": {

      "display_value": "17/04/2023 04:26 PM",

      "value": "1681729003728"


    "cm_fields": {

      "sline_author": "test author",

      "pick_category": {

        "name": "Classics",

        "id": "3635"



    "attachments": [],

    "description": "<div>test description</div>",

    "id": "301",

    "title": "test1",

    "created_by": {

 "email_id": "",

      "phone": "987654321",

      "name": "Demo",

      "mobile": "987654321",

      "profile_pic": {

        "content-url": "/images/default-profile-pic2.svg"


      "is_vipuser": false,

      "id": "10",

      "department": {

        "site": null,

        "name": "Engineering",

        "id": 2








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