Custom Actions

Custom Actions

Custom actions refer to user defined actions that can be performed on different entities across modules. For a custom action to be performed on an entity, it should be used with automation rules, subject to the availability of support.

Availability across Modules
Custom Action
Field Updates
Business Rules
Request Life Cycle (during transition)
Business Rules
Request Life Cycle (after transition)
Custom Functions
Business Rules
Request Life Cycle (during/after transition)
Execute Scripts
Business Rules
Request Life Cycle (during/after transition)
Execute Class
Business Rules
Request Life Cycle (after transition)
Business Rules
Request Life Cycle

Field Update 

Auto-update a field value as per request criteria.
  1. Under Actions, click select Custom Action > Field Update.
  2. Select the field and the corresponding value to update.
  3. You can choose to override existing field values with the rule value.
Use $ symbol to update user-related fields dynamically with the logged-in user.
You can add up to 2 field updates in a rule.


Send customized email alerts to users.
  1. Under Actions, select Custom Action > Notification Action. The email notification template window opens.
  2. Choose an existing notification template or create a new template by clicking New Template from the displayed form. Fill out the displayed form and add attachments if any.
  3. Enter the recipients of the email/SMS. You can manually enter the mail IDs or choose from the list of placeholders. Supported placeholders are as follows
    1. $Contact
    2. $Ticket_Owner
    3. $Group_Members
    4. $On_Behalf_Of_Users
    5. $Editor
    6. $CC_Users    
    7. $Support_reps
    8. $Task_Owners
    9. $Linked_To_Request_Owner
    10. $Linked_Requests_Owners
    11. $Dependent_Requests_Owners
You can also use additional fields as variables. 
  1. Click Save.

Custom Functions 

Manipulate data within SupportCenter Plus and other external applications. Custom functions are written using Deluge, Zoho's propriety language.
You can configure custom functions under Admin > Developer Space > Custom Functions. Visit this page to learn more.
After creating custom functions, you can select a custom function as the action for an automation.
  1. Under Actions, select Custom Action > Custom Function.
  2. Select the custom function to be executed. You can also create a functions instantly if needed.
  3. Click Save.

Execute Scripts 

Create a script using any scripting language and upload it to SupportCenter Plus. Refer to this page to learn how to write custom script files using python.
  1. Place the script file under [SCP_Home]/integration/custom_scripts directory.
  2. Under Actions, select Custom Action > Execute Script.
  3. Copy the script file name and paste it in the text box.
  4. Click Save.


You cannot configure custom functions and scripts within the same rule.
Refer to this page for sample use cases/scripts applicable to business rules.

Execute Class 

Create a class file specifying the actions to be executed.
  1. Place the class file under [SCP_Home]/integration/lib/ directory.
  2. Under Actions, select Custom Action > Execute Class.
  3. Copy the class file name and paste it in the text box.
  4. Click Save.


A webhook enables user to call an external URL or API to facilitate communication between ServiceDesk Plus and any third-party applications.
You can configure webhooks under Admin > Developer Space > WebhooksVisit this page to learn more.
After creating webhooks, you can select a webhook as the action for an automation.
  1. Under Actions, select Custom Action > Webhook.
  2. Select the webhook to be executed.
  3. Click Save.

If-If Actions   

Bundle multiple custom actions and execute them when the specified criteria is met.
You can configure only one If-If action for an automation rule. 
The blocks in the If-If action are evaluated sequentially and executed based on criteria match. You can add up to 10 If blocks and configure up to three actions in each If block.
Following are some of the custom actions supported by the If-If action:

If-If action in timer during rules - You can configure field updates, custom functions, scripts, or negate action.
If-If action in after rules/custom triggers - You can configure notifications, custom functions, custom scripts, or webhooks as custom actions.

Configure If-If Action

  1. Under Actions, select Custom Action > If-If.
  2. Configure the criteria using the drop-down lists. You can create up to 10 criteria using AND/OR combinations.
  3. Configure an actions: notifications, field updates, custom scripts, custom functions, custom class, webhooks, or negate action.
  4. Click Add If block to add another block or click Update

If-Else Actions   

Configure actions when the criteria is met and alternate actions when it is not met.
You can configure only one If-Else action for an automation rule. 
The blocks in If-Else action are validated sequentially. The action has three types of blocks: If, Else-If, and Else.
If block *
Executes actions based on criteria match.
One If block is available by default.
Else-If block
Validates the Else-If block only when the If block is not executed.
Executes actions based on criteria match.
You can add up to 8 Else-If blocks in between If and Else blocks.
Else block *
Executes Else block only when both If block and Else-If block are not executed.
One Else block is available by default.
* Mandatory blocks

Configure If-Else Actions  

  1. Under Actions, click Select Custom Action > If-Else.
  2. In the If block, configure the criteria using the drop-down list. You can add up to 10 criteria using AND/OR combinations.
  3. Configure actions using the available options: notifications, field updates, custom scripts, custom functions, class, webhooks, or negate action.
  4. To add an Else-If block, click Add Condition and configure criteria and actions.
  5. After defining If and Else-If blocks, configure an action in the Else block and click Update.

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