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Logging Requests
Contacts and Support Reps with valid login credentials can log into the application and raise a request. Create a request from the following locations: Home Page Requests Tab You can also import requests in bulk. Learn how to do this here. If you ...
Import products
SupportCenter Plus allows you to bulk import products from a CSV file. To import products: 1. Click the Products tab and then click Import Products from CSV button. 2. In the import wizard that appears, click Choose File, select the CSV file and ...
Import Contacts
SupportCenter Plus allows you to import contacts in bulk from a CSV file. To import contacts, 1. Go to Contacts. 2. Select Import from CSV by clicking the drop-down arrow beside the New button. 3. In the import wizard that appears, click Choose ...
Import Sales
SupportCenter Plus allows you to bulk import sales from a CSV file. This option allows you to import multiple sales across various accounts within the portal. To import sales: 1. Click the Accounts tab and then click Import Sales details from ...
Merge Requests
Merging allows you to combine multiple requests into a single request. Merging creates a parent-child relationship. If request A is merged to request B, then request A is the child and request B is the parent. All-time entries, notes, conversations, ...