Beginning with build 14000, SupportCenter Plus supports native backup and restore for databases. The backup files of builds 14000 or later do not support cross-compatibility between PostgreSQL(bundled with SupportCenter Plus) and Microsoft SQL databases. For migration between PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL databases, follow the instructions in this guide.
Customers using Microsoft SQL Server must ensure the availability of disk space and also should handle proper cleaning up of older backup files.
The SQL dump or database dump backup method will be used for PostgreSQL offline backup, PostgreSQL external backup, and backups during upgrades.
The binary backup method will be used for Microsoft SQL backups and in scheduled backups of applications when using the bundled PostgreSQL.
The native backup methods do not support the partial restoration of the database nor support restoration, ignoring table errors.
From build 14000, the backup of the application that uses MS SQL database, you need db_backupoperator, dbcreator, or sysadmin roles/permission.
From build 14000, the backup of the application that uses MS SQL database does not require any additional files.
For build 14000 or later, the native backup generates only a single EZIP file. In older builds, the backup is split into multiple files each capped at 1GB.
Database | Backup Type | Restore | Remarks |
PostgresSQL 64 bit (windows) | Schedule | Postgres 64 (windows) | Same OS it will work |
PostgresSQL 64 bit | schedule | PostgresSQL 32 bit | Not supported |
PostgresSQL 32 | schedule | PostgresSQL 32 bit |
PostgresSQL 32 | schedule | PostgresSQL 64 bit | not supported |
Microsoft SQL Server | schedule/offline | Microsoft SQL Server (different SQL server) | not supported. If backup taken on sdp-win8-64 . restore will work for same server configuration |
Microsoft SQL Server | schedule/offline | Microsoft SQL Server (same sql server) | It will work |
PostgresSQL (postgres (any bit/any os) | offline | PostgresSQL (any bit/any OS) | will work |
Shut down ManageEngine SupportCenter Plus service before you perform a backup of your data.
Click Start > Programs > ManageEngine SupportCenter Plus > Backup Data. [OR]
From command prompt, go to <SupportCenter Plus>\bin directory and execute the backUpData.bat as shown below,
C:\ManageEngine\SupportCenter Plus\bin\backUpData.bat
A backup of the data in the database and the file attachments that have been added in the application is created in <SupportCenter Plus>\backup directory. The backup file has to be a .data file.
A backup of the data in the database and the file attachments that have been added in the application is created in <SupportCenter Plus>\backup directory. The backup file has to be a .EZIP file (for build 14000 or later) or .DATA file (for builds before 14000). The file name for the backup file will be in the pattern below.
For build 14000 or later:
backup_databasename_[build number]_fullbackup_month_date_year_hr_min.ezip
Example: backup_mssql_14000_fullbackup_01_18_2011_15_28.ezip
For builds before 14000:
backup_databasename_[build number]
SupportCenter Plus is designed in such a way that the file attachments are not stored in the database. The attachments are stored in the file attachments folder of the installation directory (C:\ManageEngine\SupportCenter Plus). If you are upgrading the server, then you can save time by performing a backup without file attachments i.e., backup of the database alone.
A trimmed backup takes the database backup without file attachments, inline images, custom, billreports, and archive folders.
From command prompt, go to <SupportCenter Plus>\bin directory and execute trimmedBackupData.bat command to start the database back up.
C:\ManageEngine\SupportCenter Plus\bin\trimmedBackupData.bat
Once the backup is complete, a backup file with .data extension is placed in the Trimmed Backup folder under the SupportCenter Plus Home directory.
The backup file contains information such as the Build number of SupportCenter Plus, and the date and time when the backup was performed. Here is the format of the backup file.
For build 14000 or later:
backup_ databasename_ [build number] _database_month _date _ year _ hour _minutes.ezip
Example: backup_mssql_14000_database_01_18_2011_15_28.ezip
For builds before 14000:
backup_ databasename_ [build number] _database_month _date _ year _ hour
Follow the steps given below to take a backup of the ManageEngine SupportCenter Plus data:
Shut down ManageEngine SupportCenter Plus service before you perform a backup of your data.
Go to <SupportCenter Plus>/bin directory from the command prompt.
Execute the file as given below:
$ sh
The backup file is created in the <SupportCenter Plus>/backup directory. The backup file has to be a .EZIP file (for build 14000 or later) or .DATA file (for builds before 14000). The file name for the backup file will be of the pattern below.
For build 14000 or later:
backup_databasename_[build number]_fullbackup_month_date_year_hr_min.ezip
Example: backup_mssql_ 14000_fullbackup_01_18_2011_15_28.ezip
For builds before 14000:
backup_databasename_[build number]
A trimmed backup takes the database backup without file attachments, inline images, custom, billreports, and archive folders.
From the command prompt, go to <SupportCenter Plus>\bin directory and execute sh trimmedBackupData.bat command to start the database back up.
sh trimmedBackupData.bat
Once the backup is complete, a backup file with .data extension is placed in the Trimmed Backup folder under the SupportCenter Plus Home directory.
The backup file contains information such as the Build number of SupportCenter Plus, and the date and time when the backup was performed. Here is the format of the backup file.
For build 14000 or later:
backup_ databasename_ [build number] _database_month _date _ year _ hour _minutes.ezip
Example: backup_mssql_14000_database_01_18_2011_15_28.ezip
For builds before 14000:
backup_ databasename_ [build number] _database_month _date _ year _ hour
After upgrading the application, you will be required to use a password to access the backup files. The SDAdmin configures the password while scheduling the backup. The password can be viewed and reset under Admin > General > Backup Scheduling. This password applies to all files backed up manually as well by schedule.
The password is necessary to restore the application by using the backup files.
When you configure the password afresh or reset it, a notification email is sent to you and to all users configured to be notified each time a backup fails.