Application Settings and Self-Service Portal Settings

Application Settings and Self-Service Portal Settings

Portal-specific Customizations and Configurations

The following are the various portal-specific customizations and configurations. You can access these under Admin>>General Settings>>Self-Service Portal Settings in both single portal and multi-portal setups.

Customizing Self-Service Portal 

To customize the appearance of the self-service portal, click Customize Self-Service Portal button.
Here, you can change the layout, add or remove widgets, modify themes etc.
  • To change the layout, click the gear-icon and select the required number of columns, layout style, and background color.

  • To add a widget, click button and provide widget name, and add widget using URL, inline HTML, or from a file.

  • To remove a widget, hover over the widget of your choice and click Remove or

  • To relocate a widget, drag-and-drop the widget to preferred location.

  • To resize a widget, click the right-side corner of the widget and drag it to the preferred size.

  • Finally, click Publish. 

  1. You can save, clear, or discard the draft using Actions drop-down menu.
  2. To preview the draft, click Preview.  


Add Group filter

Show groups in RequestListview Filters 

Yes- To enable group filters in the request list view.

No- To disable group filters in the request list view. 

Reopening Request

Allow contacts to reopen their own requests? 

Yes- To enable contacts to reopen requests.

No- To disable contacts reopening requests. 

Closing Request Permission for Contacts

Allow contact to close their own resolved requests?  

Yes- To enable contacts to close their own resolved requests.

No- To disable contacts closing their own resolved requests.

Request Status transitions based on contact's reply 

For onhold requests

Open onhold requests upon contacts reply? 


For closed requests

When the contact replies through E-mail / Portal to the closed requests. Perform the following



For onhold requests

Yes- To change status of a request from onhold to open when a contact's reply is received.

No- To disable state transition from onhold to open when a reply from contact is received.

For Closed Requests
  • Reopen the request always.

  • Reopen the same request within <enter day> days from closed time. Else, create as a new request.

  • Append the reply as conversation to the request and notify support rep.

  • Create as a new request

Default Request Template

Disable default request template for contacts 


Yes- To enable default request template for contacts.

No- To disable default request template for contacts. 

History Tab in Requests

Do you want to hide the Request's 'History tab' for contacts? 


Yes- To enable History tab for contacts.

No- To disable History tab for contacts. 

Request Edit Permissions

 Allow Contacts to Edit

 Select the checkbox Requests to allow contacts to edit requests or uncheck it disable edit permissions.

Suggestions when Creating Requests

Show Suggestions to contacts while creating new Request? 

Yes- To enable suggestions for contacts while creating requests.

No- To disable suggestions for contacts while creating requests. 

Mandate comments to change status

Status change comment mandatory for request 


Yes- To enable mandatory comments when changing request status.

No- To disable mandatory comments when changing request status.

Time Entry Preferences

Make Time Entry Type mandatory for Time entries 


Select an appropriate option for Include non operational hours to time spent, while adding a new time entry

Moved Requests Preferences

When a request is moved to another instance


Select an appropriate option: Set Completion Status and Closure code or Delete request in the instance 

Solution Access Preferences

Solutions for contacts without account  

Select an appropriate option: All Topics, No Topics, or Specific Topic groups

Approval Settings 

1) Show Request Approval Tab to requester

2) Choose restriction type to be made while sending Request approval mails  

3)  Allow approval actions from logged-in users only. 

4)Allow Self Approval of Requests (Note that 'self approval' includes Contact, On-behalf-of User and Logged-in-tech):

5) While a request is waiting for approval, stop the timer and set request status


6) Send Reminder notification to approver if approval action is not taken for more than <enter day>operational days at <enter hours> hrs <enter minutes> mins daily 


7) Stop sending reminder notifications after <enter number> notifications 

8) Approval Reminder Notification

9) Approval Clarification Reminder Notification

10) Request approval preview customization

11) Allow approvers to perform approval actions by replying to the approval email. (Zia will scan each mail and apply the approver's decision.)

12) Acknowledge approver of the approval action performed.

13) Customize Notifications:

14) Test and Train Zia

1) Use the checkbox to enable/disable request approval tab. 

2) Select an appropriate option: Anyone can approve or

System users only can approve.

3) Select an appropriate option: Yes or No

4) Use the checkbox to enable/disable self-approval. 

5) Select the checkbox and choose an appropriate status. 

6) Use appropriate checkbox to enable/disable this option.
7)  Use the checkbox to enable/disable this option.
8) Enable this to notify the approver if the approval action is not taken after a certain number of days. The time to send the Approval Reminder Notification can be configured as well.

Stop sending reminder notifications: Enable this to stop the notifications that are sent to the approver repeatedly. The number of notifications sent to the approver can be limited by selecting the notification count.

Customizing Approval reminder notification content: The content for approval reminder notification can also be customized. Tap on Click here to customize the content of the mail.
9) Enable this to notify the user if the approval clarification action is not taken after a certain number of days. The time to send the Approval Clarification Reminder Notification can be configured as well.

Stop sending reminder notifications: Enable this to stop the notifications that are sent to the user repeatedly. The number of notifications sent to the user can be limited by selecting the notification count.

Customizing Approval clarification reminder notification content: The content for approval clarification reminder notification can also be customized. Tap on Click here to customize the content of the mail.
10) Configure sections to be shown in request approval preview. To customize, click Customize, select or deselect the sections, and click Save.
11) Choose an appropriate option: Yes (default)/No.

12) Use the check box to enable/disable this option. By default, this is enabled.

13) To customize approval notifications, click Customize against the preferred notification below, make necessary changes, and click Save.
  • Notification sent when an approval action is performed.

  • Notification sent when approval action is attempted on an already approved/rejected item.

  • Notification sent when an approval action is inconclusive.

14) You can test and train Zia with approval-related keywords. To do this, click Customize against the following:

  • Training data and help Zia make informed decisions.

To test data, click Test Zia to Predict Results, click Test, and view the result.
To add data, click Add New Data in the Approve/Reject list as preferred and enter the preferred phrase, and click Submit.

Currency, Currency symbol, and Start day of the week



Use the respective dropdown lists to choose currency, currency symbol, and start of the week.

Quick Create

Show 'Quick Create' section for support reps?  

Yes- To enable quick create for support reps.

No- To disable quick create for support reps.

Solution Self-approval

Can Solution approver approve his own solution? 


Yes- To enable self-approval of solutions.

No- To disable self-approval of solutions.

Closed Request Notifications

Remove system generated notifications for the closed (active / archived) request with completed date before <enter months>

Use checkbox to enable/disable this option.

Auto-populate Start Time in Time Entries

Do you want to auto-populate start time in request time entry?

Select an appropriate option: Yes or No

On Hold Scheduler Preferences

Do you wish to enable On Hold scheduler when your requests are put on hold?

Select an appropriate option: Yes or No


First Response Preferences

Enable First response by default for  

Select an appropriate option: Notes addition or Time Entry addition

Usage Statistics Permissions


Select the appropriate option to allow/disallow Zoho to collect product usage statistics.

Edit Permissions for Time Entries

Which time entries are to be made non-editable? 

Choose an option: Billed or Paid

Time Entries and SLA

Show in time entry differential hours based on SLA configuration.

Choose an option: Yes or No

Support Rep Assignment Preferences

Assign backup support rep/Auto-Assign support rep to requests based on.  

Choose an option: Due by date of the request or Created date of the request. 


Application-wide Customizations and Configurations

The following are the various application-wide customizations and configurations. To access it, go to Admin>>General Settings>>Self-Service Portal Settings in single portal setups or go to Global Settings>>General Settings>>Application Settings in multi portal setups. 

Customize Login Page   

 To customize the default login page: 

Under Customize Login Page section, click Customize Now.

Rewrite the code in the editor using HTML or CSS to suit your needs.

Finally, click Save and Publish.



  1. To add images or variables use the respective dropdown boxes above the editor.
  2. In Split View, code editor and dynamic preview appears side-by-side. You can change the split view using layout icons.
  3. To view full page editor, click Code.
  4. To view full page preview, click Preview.
  5. To choose default login page, click Replace and then select Replace with Default Version.  

Alias URL



Enter an alternate URL to access the application.


Display Language 

Select your preferred application language. The default selection is Browser Default.


Profile Access Permissions (for Contacts)

Allow contacts to access their profiles



These settings comply with Right to Access and Right to Rectify clauses in GDPR.


Select your preferences:

Edit Profile- To allow contacts to edit their information.

View Basic Details- To allow contacts to view only basic details.

View Additional Fields- To allow contacts to view additional fields. 

Accessing with Active Directory credentials 

Allow dynamic user addition when the user is not imported in the application? 


Yes - Dynamically adds users from Active Directory and allows them to access the application with AD credentials.

No - Only users created or imported directly into the application can access the application.

Overwriting Preferences when Importing Users 

Override user information based on e-mail ID? 



Applicable for all types of import: AD, CSV, and XLS.

Yes- To include user email id as a criterion to overwrite existing user information.

No- To exclude user email id as a criterion to overwrite existing user information. 

Create login Access Automatically 

Select your preference for Provide login access to users created through e-mail requests?


Yes- To enable automatic creation of login credentials when a contact sends an email request for the first time.

No- To disable automatic creation of login credentials. 

Local Authentication 

Allow users to login based on Local Authentication? 


Yes- To enable local authentication provided in the application.

No- To disable local authentication. 

Email processing Preferences 

Process requests received with new email addresses? 


Note: This option is applicable for both requests raised from the customer portal or via email

Yes- To enable processing email from new email addresses both

No- To disable processing email from new email addresses 

Associate Contacts with Accounts (Automated) 

Automatically associate new contact to account based on the domain name of the contact's email address? 


Yes- To enable automatic association of contacts based on the email domain of the contact

No- To disable automatic association of contacts based on the email domain of the contact 


You can also exclude domains to prevent associating contacts being assocaited with an accont. To do this, click Excluded Domains and then add domain names and click Save.  

Create New Account (Automated) 

Automatically add an account based on the domain name of the contact's email address and associate the contact.


Note: This option requires Associate Contacts with Accounts to be enabled. 


Yes- To enable automatic creation of new accounts based on email domain of the contact.

No- To disable automatic creation of new accounts. 

Notify Support Reps on Account Modification

Send an email notification to the following Support Reps when a contact is automatically associated to an account 


Yes- To send notification to specific support reps when a contact is added automatically added to an account. Click Choose, to select the preferred support reps.

No- To disable notification configuration when a contact is automatically associated to an account

File Attachment Settings



Enter your preferred file size limit in Maximum attachment size ( MB ) textbox. 

Enter a location to save attachment in
Configure a path for saving the attachments textbox.

Filter options 

Do you need the ability to filter unapproved contact's requests and their details from request and contact list view?  

Select an option:

  • Approved Contacts

  • Unapproved Contacts

  • Approved Contacts if Account is associated to Contact based on domain name of Contact email address. 

Customize Header Image 


You can choose to use the default header image or click Import Image and choose an image file to apply your own image.

OTP Login Settings 

1) Enable OTP based Login:


2) User can log in based on?   


1) Select Yes to enable OTP based login or select No to disable OTP based login.

2) Choose and option: Email, Mobile Number, or Both


Show only sold Products during request creation 

Show sold products alone while adding new request


Yes- To show only sold products during request creation.

No- To show all products during request creation.

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