

Attachments are used to add additional information in the form of images or files. The attachments added to an account can be specific to a portal or common for all portals.  

You can perform various attachment-related actions from the account details page. To access it, go to the Accounts tab and then click the desired account name. In the account details page, the Attachments section lists all attachments added to the account specific to the portal and Global Attachments section lists all attachments added to the account across all the portals.

  • To add a new attachment, click Add New in the Attachments or Global Attachments section. Choose a file and click Attach File.

  • To view an attachment, click the attachment name to download it and then use the appropriate application to view the file.

  • To delete an attachment, click the delete icon against the attachment. 

  1. By default, the attachments are visible to all support reps. You can modify it using Show to Support Reps toggle button in the corresponding attachment section.
  2. Attachments are also available for sub-accounts.
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